Posts Tagged ‘cancer hope’

Windpipes made with Adult Stem Cells Help Cancer Patients

Saturday, July 31st, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010; 11:35 AM

ROME — Doctors have successfully transplanted windpipes into two cancer patients in an innovative procedure that uses stem cells to allow a donated trachea to regenerate tissue and create an organ biologically close to the original, they said Friday.

The 31-year-old Czech and 19-year-old British patients are in good condition and have been released from the hospital in Florence just weeks after the surgery. The British woman was speaking after only three or four days, said Dr. Walter Giovannini, the director of the AOU Careggi hospital where the surgeries took place on July 3 and 13.

“This is a unique solution for a problem that had none, except the death of the patient,” Giovannini said.

Surgeons have been making advances in the transplant of windpipes, but previous cases have mostly focused on patients whose windpipes have been physically damaged due to trauma.

While trachea cancer is rare, it is very difficult to treat because it is resistant to chemotherapy and radiation and transplants of mechanical devices to replace the windpipe have not been effective, Giovannini said.

The new technique is extraordinary, said Alessandro Nanni Costa, the director of Italy’s National Transplant Center, who was not involved in the research. “What is new about this procedure is combining a surgical technique with biotechnology, through the use of stem cells,” he said.

The hospital did not release the patients’ identities or more details about their cases due to privacy concerns. Giovannini said the Czech woman is the mother of a 6-month-old.

The surgical team was headed by Dr. Paolo Macchiarini, who participated in a windpipe transplant in Spain nearly two years ago. In that case, doctors gave a Colombian woman a new windpipe with tissue grown from her own stem cells, eliminating the need for anti-rejection drugs.

A similar procedure was followed in this case. The donor windpipe was stripped of all cells until it was just a tube with no organic material. Just before being transplanted, Dr. Macchiarini injected the donor trachea with the stem cells. In the Spanish case, the stem cells were grown on the trachea before the transplant.

It takes two to three months for the stem cells to completely cover the trachea, creating a new organ, Giovannini said.

In the meantime, the windpipe is functional without the cells – acting as a sort of mechanical device before the stem cells transform it into an organ, Giovannini said.

Because the new trachea contains no organic substance foreign to the patient, no anti-rejection drugs are needed.

Macchiarini told a press conference in Florence the procedure could in the future be applied to other organs.

“I’m thinking about the larynx or surgeries involving lungs,” Macchiarini said.

[As reported By COLLEEN BARRY – The Washington Post]

Jaw Bone Grown from Adult Stem Cells

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

[As reported in Science Daily] (31 March 2010) — A Columbia scientist has become the first to grow a complex, full-size bone from human adult stem cells.

Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, a professor of biomedical engineering at the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, reports that her team grew a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) from stem cells derived from bone marrow. Her work is reported in the online Early Edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this month.

“The TMJ has been widely studied as a tissue-engineering model because it cannot be generated easily, if at all, by current methods,” says Vunjak-Novakovic, whose co-authors include Warren L. Grayson, then a post-doctoral student in her lab and now an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University. Around 25 percent of the population suffers from TMJ disorders — including those who suffer from cancer, birth defects, trauma and arthritis — which can cause joint deterioration. Because the TMJ is such a complex structure, it is not easily grafted from other bones in a patient’s body. “The availability of personalized bone grafts engineered from the patient’s own stem cells would revolutionize the way we currently treat these defects,” she says.

Current methods of treating traumatic injury to the jaw include taking a bone from the patient’s leg or hip to replace the missing bone. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get the patient’s own stem cells and grow a new jaw?” says Dr. June Wu, a craniofacial surgeon at Columbia University Medical Center who advised Vunjak-Novakovic on her research.

Vunjak-Novakovic’s technique for turning stem cells into bone was inspired by the body’s natural bone-building process. Her team started by analyzing digital images of a patient’s jawbone in order to build a scaffold into the precise shape of a TMJ joint. The scaffold itself was made from human bone stripped of living cells. The team then seeded the scaffold with bone marrow stem cells and placed it into a custom-designed bioreactor. The reactor, filled with culture medium, nourished and physically stimulated the cells to form bone. “Bone tissue is metabolically very active,” she says. Bone tissue develops best when it is bathed in fluid flowing around it. Vunjak-Novakovic and the team looked into the exact flow rates one needs for optimal effects. After five weeks, they had a four-centimeter-high jawbone that was the precise size and shape of a human TMJ.

The technique can be applied to other bones in the head and neck, including skull bones and cheek bones, which are similarly difficult to reconstruct, but Vunjak-Novakovic started with the TMJ because, “We thought this would be the most rigorous test of our technique,” she said. “If you can make this, you can make any shape.”

Her team’s next step is to develop a way to connect the bone graft to a patient’s blood supply to ensure that the graft grows with the person’s body. “Our bones change, and these biological grafts would change with us,” says Vunjak-Novakovic.