Archive for the ‘strengthen immune system’ Category

What Natural Nutrients Can Help AIDS Patients?

Saturday, March 12th, 2016

Act Against Aids

By Thomas E. Stone, ND, CNHP

In 1995, an article in “Scientific American” concluded that traditional disease fighting methods were not effective in fighting the HIV virus and AIDS. Instead, this author recommended that we focus on finding ways of stimulating the immune system and reducing the viral load. Colostrum can be very effective in both of these ways.

Colostrum stimulates and strengthens a weakened immune system and those who take it on a regular basis, have a heightened ability to resist and fight infection – exactly what the AIDS patient needs.

Colostrum activates or “turns on” the immune system in the newborn and it can do the same thing for the AIDS patient – or anyone, for that matter. It contains over 40 different immune factors which work in harmony to support a stronger defense mechanism. This is so critical for the AIDS patient, who dies – not from the HIV virus – but from secondary infections which the immune system is no longer able to control.

One of the immune components in colostrum falls into a category called immunoglobulins. These are “functional antibodies,” ready to combat a host of bacterial pathogens. In this way, colostrum can actually be a sort of secondary immune system for the AIDS patient.

Colostrum and colostral components can also be effective in reducing viral populations. A 1995 study conducted in the Netherlands, indicated that the immune factor, lactoferrin, is one of the best ways to reduce viral levels in the body. It inhibited the HIV virus of certain body cells and was able to completely block the Cytomegalovirus infection. This same study concluded that bovine (cow) lactoferrin was up to 2.5 times more effective than human lactoferrin. Several other immune factors contained in colostrum have been shown to have anti-viral activity as well. In fact, a 1990 study reported in the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics identified a “non-specific virus-neutralizing activity” in non de-fatted colostrum.

One of the most serious problems with AIDS is something called “wasting.” It is brought on by chronic diarrhea and results in a loss of vital nutrients and fluids. It also depletes the supply of intestinal antibodies, leaving the patient even more vulnerable to dangerous pathogens. A 1992 study showed that out of 37 immuno-deficient patients with chronic diarrhea, 72% experienced significant improvement with the use of immunoglobulins from colostrum. Another study stated that colostrum immunoglobulins have been able to treat diarrhea-causing infections associated with AIDS, where no other treatment was effective.

Wasting occurs when the AIDS-infected body begins burning muscle for fuel. Here again, colostrum can help. The growth factors, contained in colostrum, also play a big role in supporting AIDS patients. Treatment with IGF-1 and growth hormone (GH), both contained in colostrum, produce an increase in muscle mass, preventing the severe weight loss associated with wasting. If colostrum were used for no other reason than to reduce the diarrhea-induced wasting and to prevent the loss of muscle mass, it would greatly enhance quality of life for those who suffer from AIDS. However, in my experience, colostrum can do so much more than this.

Eight months ago I treated a patient with full blown AIDS, who had been sincerely searching and doing everything in his power to regain his health. When I initially met with him, he had a T- cell count in the high teens, despite the fact that he had been following a strict health regime for a matter of months. With mega doses of colostrum (60 capsules/day) and an herb called Maca, we eliminated many of the other things he was doing. He continued to eat healthfully and take ample amounts of green juices. Within 2 weeks, both he and his medical doctors were shocked to find that his T-cell count had risen to 350! His doctor even insisted on a retest to verify these results. Now, 8 months later, he has been declared HIV free and doctors are saying that they must have misdiagnosed him in the first place. This man is so dedicated to helping other people that he now owns a health food store and is sharing his knowledge with hosts of other people.

A desire to get well is a critical factor in healing. This man was totally dedicated and when he found the additional nutritional help of colostrum, he made fast progress. Can colostrum assist AIDS patients? In a variety of ways, the answer is a resounding, Yes!

Another important ingredient in Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is fucoidan. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide that is found in the cell walls of several species of brown seaweed.  Fucoidan possesses many antiviral properties and blocks bacteria at the cellular level while also strengthening the immune system.  More recent studies, in the last ten years, show strong support for fucoidan being used as an adjunct dietary therapy for cancer, HIV and inflammatory diseases.

Visit: for information on Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray. This supplement contains the highest quality of bovine colostrum available in an intraoral spray application (sprayed under the tongue, providing absorption of up to 95%) along with two other key ingredients that synergistically work together to build a strong, healthy immune system and activate one’s own adult stem cells.


1.   Bogstedt, A.K.; et al. “Passive Immunity Against Diarrhea,” Acta Paediatr 8:125-128, 1996.

2.   Bricker, D. S. “Colostrum: Implications for Accelerated Recovery in Damaged Muscles and Cartilage, Prevention of some Pathogenic disease,” The American Chiropractor. Nov. 1991.

3.   Harmsen, M.C.; Swart, P.J.; Bethune, M.; Pauwels, R.; DeClercq, E.; et al. “Antiviral Effects of Plasma and Milk Proteins: Lactoferrin Shows Potent Activity Against Both Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Human Cytomegalovirus Replication In Vitro,” Journal of Infectious Diseases. 172:380-8, 1995.

4.   Nowa; McMichael. “How HIV Defeats the Immune system,” Scientific American. Aug:58- 65, 1995.

5.   Plettenberg, A. et al. “A Preparation from Bovine Colostrum in the Treatment of HIV- Positive Patients with Chronic Diarrhea,” Clinical Invest. Jan. 1993.

6.   Richie, J.; “Update on the Management of Intestinal Cryptosporidiosis in AIDS,” Ann. Pharmacother 28:767-778, 1994.

7.   Rump, J.A.; Aarndt, R.; Arnold, A.; Bendick, C.; Dichtelmuller, H.; Franke, M.; Helm, E. B.; Jager, H; Kampmann, B.; Kolb, P.; et al. “Treatment of Diarrhoea in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Immunoglobulins from Bovine Colostrum,” Clinical Investig. 70(7):588-594, 1992.

8.   Stephan, W.; et al. “Antibodies from Colostrum in Oral Immunotherapy,” J. Clinical Biochem. 28:19-23, 1990.

9.   Unger, B. L. P.; et al. “Cessation of Cryptosporidium-Associated Diarrhea in AIDS Patients After Treatment with Hyperimmune Bovine Colostrum,” Gastroenterology. 98:486-489, 1990.

10.  Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 1990. “Virus neutralizing activity” complete reference not available. Art 52.

Emerging Science Shows It’s Possible To Stay Healthier and Live Longer

Saturday, August 23rd, 2014

This Baby Will Live To Be 120

The elderly population is rapidly rising. In 1950, there were 205 million people aged 60 years or over, while in 2000 there were 606 million. By 2050, the global population aged 60 or over is projected to expand by more than three times its current level; reaching nearly 2 billion people.  Of these, the number of people aged 80 years or more is set to almost quadruple to 395 million between now and 2050.

This is incredible, especially when in 1910 the life expectancy of a Chilean female was 33 years.  Today, it is 82 years, and this increase is similar for most nationalities. This represents a remarkable gain of almost 50 additional years in one century, which is largely due to public health improvements.  However, many leading scientists are predicting the best is yet to come.

The May 2013 issue of the National Geographic Magazine carried a picture of a baby on its cover with the headline:  “This Baby Will Live To Be 120” with the title “It’s not hype, new science could lead to very long lives.”  Obviously though, quality of life is just as important when it comes to longevity.

Harvard geneticist, David Sinclair’s work is widely documented. In 2006, he led a team of Harvard Scientists to discover “resveratrol” reversed the aging process in cells.  Resveratrol (250 times more effective when taken by intraoral spray) is a natural occurring compound that enhances mitochondria, the cell’s energy factories that lead to a more efficient metabolism and the body having less toxic waste.

Sinclair reports ‘There are now a number of compounds being tested in the lab that greatly slow down the aging process and delay the onset of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.”

Aging is a process characterized by progressive functional decrease of all organs, morphological changes, and immune system-related changes at the cellular and molecular levels, which determine less adaptive biologic functions. The immune system alternations in the elderly are comprehensively known as immunosenescence. Immunosenescence refers to the gradual deterioration of the immune system. This phenomenon is characterized by an accumulation of changes that progressively result in dysfunctional or compromised immune responses.  Having a healthy and strong immune system is vital throughout one’s entire life time. A weak immune system provides an opening for viruses, fungi and parasites to take hold, which can then lead to cancer. The immune system is extremely important as it protects the body against infection. It is a fact that cancer-related mortality increases with age: 70% of all malignancy-related deaths are registered in people aged 65 or older.

Multiple aspects of aging are involved that include: thymic involution (which is the shrinking of the thymus with age), shifts in the number, distribution and activity of T- and B- lymphocytes, reduced availability of CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells, impaired production of naïve B-cells in the bone marrow, dysfunction of antigen presenting cells (APCs), alterations of cytokines production, frequent immunoglobulin production, skewing of B cell production that are more likely to generate auto-antibodies.  Inflammation has also been shown to be a promoter of cellular senescence (which is the phenomenon when cells lose their ability to divide or replicate and they reach what is known as their Hayflick limit).

Environmental modifications (e.g. increments of oxygen concentration and free oxygen radicals, DNA damage), and stress can also induce the aging process. In addition, telomeres shorten with age and stem cell regeneration and release rates decline.

To see more about the nine cycles of aging please click this link to an earlier blog.

Advanced science and technologies are enabling incredible breakthroughs to occur, especially in the field of gene therapy and stem cells.  These major advancements are being supported by a multitude of recently published clinical trials and research papers.

This is why adult stem cell abilities are so incredible. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells, found throughout the body after development, that multiply by cell division to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. Adult stem cells are found in juvenile as well as adult animals and human bodies.

Scientific interest in adult stem cells is centered on their ability to divide or self-renew indefinitely, and generate all the cell types of the organ from which they originate, potentially regenerating the entire organ from a few cells. Unlike embryonic stem cells, the use of human adult stem cells in research and therapy is not considered to be controversial, as adult stem cells are derived from adult tissue and reside in one’s body after we are born, rather than having to come from a human embryo.

A recent paper published by the journal Cell Stem Cell reported human stem cells (HSC) residing in the end (trabecular region) of the bones display the highest regenerative ability of the blood and immune system.  “Like the best professional hockey players, our findings indicate blood stem cells are not all equal,” said Bhatia. Bhatia, who also holds a Canada Research Chair in Human Stem Cell Biology, said that cells surrounding the best blood stem cells are critically important, as these “stem cell neighbors” at the end of the bone provide the unique instructions that give these human blood stem cells their superior regenerative abilities.

It is only now that these findings have been validated even though bone marrow transplants have been done for more than 50 years and are routine in most hospitals, providing a life-saving treatment for cancer and other diseases including leukemia, anemia, and immune disorders.

There is no doubt about it. With so many advanced anti-aging, biological and scientific developments on the horizon we are living in very exciting times. Keeping our own adult stem cells active and healthy is vital. Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is at the forefront of stem cell nutrition with its high grade, pure ingredients (including a 98% pure trans-resveratrol) and its intraoral spray delivery provides maximum absorption.

Watch the video below to hear about latest findings on how resveratrol helps prohibit tumor cells.


June 9, 2014 – Source: Mount Sinai Medical Center
August 1, 2013 – Source: McMaster University
Immunity & Ageing 2012, 9:4 doi:10.1186/1742-4933-9-4.