Archive for the ‘boost immune system’ Category

10 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Catching A Virus Or Superbug

Thursday, October 16th, 2014

Knuckle Touch

Stem Cell Worx wrote about superbugs being on the rise one year ago in its quarterly newsletter.  Now, with Ebola being a threat to the world, it’s a timely reminder to outline how we can all reduce our risks of catching a superbug, a virus or infectious disease.

Here are 10 ways to reduce your risk:

  • Wash your hands and forearms regularly throughout the day, and for at least 20 seconds at a time.
  • Clean your personal items regularly (i.e. cellphone, remote controls, keyboard and mouse, car steering wheel) with alcohol swabs or sanitizer wipes.
  • Have alcohol swabs or sanitizer wipes in your car and at home at all times. Once used, always throw them away immediately.
  • Always wash hands before and after using the restroom and visiting community facilities and retail outlets. Also carry alcohol swabs or sanitizer wipes with you when visiting community facilities (i.e. the gym, an airport, coffee and retail shops, schools, day care, grocery stores, the Post Office, hospitals etc).
  • Keep any open skin areas covered until they are completely healed.  Clean open areas with an antibiotic ointment.
  • If you come into contact with wounds, bandages, skin drainage, or any type of bodily fluids be sure to wear gloves, and carry out proper hand washing immediately afterwards.
  • Do not share your personal items with anyone.
  • If you are a patient at a hospital or medical facility, always ask your caregiver to wash his/her hands before touching you.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose as much as possible. If you cough or sneeze, always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, and then throw the tissue away immediately.
  • Don’t shake hands, especially with strangers. Instead do the new knuckle touch. It’s a lot safer.

Keep strengthening your immune system and keep your adult stem cells activated. These two fundamentals have been scientifically proven to be the very essence of life and good health. Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is designed specifically for this purpose.

Share your tips on how you are staying safe.