Posts Tagged ‘stem cells for JMML’

Adult Stem Cell Transplant Saves Devon After A Bleak Diagnosis

Friday, February 26th, 2016

Two years ago, Devon (then 8 years old) was diagnosed with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) – a high-risk leukemia with a slim survival rate of 5 to 10 percent in children.

An adult stem cell transplant was Devon’s only chance at life, and this in itself presented another challenge. Because of a genetic anomaly, Devon’s family members were disqualified to be his bone marrow donors for the adult stem cell transplant.

Against the odds, however, a search of the worldwide network of blood and marrow donors yielded one perfect “10 for 10” match from a 30-year-old man in Germany. Devon’s mother, Sunshine Weaver, recalls, “Here’s this guy we’ve never met, who has no idea who we are, and suddenly he’s the answer to our prayers for Devon.”

The transplant was done. Devon is now 10 years old and in great health. He has the eating habits and all the energy of a healthy 10 year old boy.

To watch Devon’s remarkable recovery watch this video: