Posts Tagged ‘Stem Cell Worx News’

Adult Stem Cells Saved Tony’s Life

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Tony Underhill lived a very full, active and successful life until Scleroderma ravaged his body. His prognosis was dire.  He then learned about a clinical trial using adult stem cells to repair the effects of the disease.

Just one year after his adult stem cell transplant, Tony has his life back.  Watch this amazing story of inspiration.

Stem Cell Injection Instead of Knee Surgery

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Barbee, 54, discovered that she had an appreciable loss of cartilage and she could not put up with the loss of mobility and pain any longer. She decided to have a stem cell injection instead of surgery. Adult stem cells were harvested from her bone marrow and injected into the degenerated area. Orthopedic physician Dr. Ron Hansen joins “The Doctors” to discuss the procedure and show the results of Barbee’s stem cell injections.