Archive for the ‘stem cell supplements’ Category

Stem Cells Give Sarah A New Life

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Sarah’s Mom, Fiona sent us this wonderful video today. It has been split into two parts. Click below to view.

Sarah, now 23 years of age, was diagnosed with systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) as a baby. She was plagued with a multitude of disorders from 6 months old. Sarah was malnourished and found it very difficult to absorb any nutrients.

For years she required IV TPN and lipids or a feeding tube. Sarah saw no relief and in her early 20s her health continued to deteriorate. That was until last November (2014) when she received her first high dose infusion of mesenchymal stem cells. Following her stem cell treatment (that she received in Mexico), Sarah had an immediate surge of energy and actually felt hungry and enjoyed a meal for the first time in years. By month two (January 2015), her digestive disorder was totally resolved. Her doctors are so impressed with her response they are writing a study and a peer review publication is set to be released shortly. Sarah is scheduled to receive more of her own adult stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells) over the next few months.

At the six month mark Sarah has a new lease on life. She is riding horses, swimming, taking college courses and spending time with her friends for the first time ever.

Before Sarah received her stem cell treatment she was on high dose chemo and 23 maintenance drugs. Her drug intake is now down to 15 and this number is continuing to be reduced.

Here Sarah and her Mom, Fiona explain in detail Sarah’s journey of recovery.

Part 1 of 2:

Part 2 of 2:

Stem Cells Improved Healing For Achilles Tendon Injuries

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

Ruptured Achilles Tendon

Researchers have found that sutures embedded with stem cells led to quicker and stronger healing of Achilles tendon tears than traditional sutures, according to a new study published in the March 2014 issue of Foot & Ankle International (published by SAGE).  Surgical sutures are the stitches used by doctors and surgeons to hold tissue together.

Achilles tendon injuries are common for professional, collegiate and recreational athletes. These injuries are often treated surgically to reattach or repair the tendon if it has been torn. Patients have to keep their legs immobilized for a while after surgery before beginning their rehabilitation. Athletes may return to their activities sooner, but risk re-rupturing the tendon if it has not healed completely.

Drs. Lew Schon, Samuel Adams, and Elizabeth Allen and Researchers Margaret Thorpe, Brent Parks, and Gary Aghazarian from MedStar Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, conducted the study. They compared traditional surgery, surgery with stem cells injected in the injury area, and surgery with special sutures embedded with stem cells in rats. The results showed that the group receiving the stem cell sutures healed better.

“The exciting news from this early work is that the stem cells stayed in the tendon, promoting healing right away, during a time when patients are not able to begin aggressive rehabilitation. When people can’t fully use their leg, the risk is that atrophy sets in and adhesions can develop which can impact how strong and functional the muscle and tendon are after it is reattached,” said Dr. Schon. “Not only did the stem cells encourage better healing at the cellular level, the tendon strength itself was also stronger four weeks following surgery than in the other groups in our study,” he added.
