Archive for March, 2014

Stem Cells Improved Healing For Achilles Tendon Injuries

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

Ruptured Achilles Tendon

Researchers have found that sutures embedded with stem cells led to quicker and stronger healing of Achilles tendon tears than traditional sutures, according to a new study published in the March 2014 issue of Foot & Ankle International (published by SAGE).  Surgical sutures are the stitches used by doctors and surgeons to hold tissue together.

Achilles tendon injuries are common for professional, collegiate and recreational athletes. These injuries are often treated surgically to reattach or repair the tendon if it has been torn. Patients have to keep their legs immobilized for a while after surgery before beginning their rehabilitation. Athletes may return to their activities sooner, but risk re-rupturing the tendon if it has not healed completely.

Drs. Lew Schon, Samuel Adams, and Elizabeth Allen and Researchers Margaret Thorpe, Brent Parks, and Gary Aghazarian from MedStar Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, conducted the study. They compared traditional surgery, surgery with stem cells injected in the injury area, and surgery with special sutures embedded with stem cells in rats. The results showed that the group receiving the stem cell sutures healed better.

“The exciting news from this early work is that the stem cells stayed in the tendon, promoting healing right away, during a time when patients are not able to begin aggressive rehabilitation. When people can’t fully use their leg, the risk is that atrophy sets in and adhesions can develop which can impact how strong and functional the muscle and tendon are after it is reattached,” said Dr. Schon. “Not only did the stem cells encourage better healing at the cellular level, the tendon strength itself was also stronger four weeks following surgery than in the other groups in our study,” he added.


Stroke Patients Successfully Treated With Adult Stem Cells

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Source:  NationalPost

Stem cell research institute of STC Life Co., Ltd. (Chairman: KYE HO LEE) and 97.7 B&H Clinic (Representative Doctor: WON JU JUNG) successfully completed mesenchymal stem cell treatment for stroke patients.

97.7 B & H Clinic intravenously injected stem cells to stroke patients five times at intervals of two weeks. Mesenchymal stem cells, one of the adult stem cells, are widely used for tissue regeneration. Stem Cell Research Treatment Center (Ph.D: SANG YEON LEE) of STC Life gathered and used some stem cells from the umbilical cord.

Patients who received stem cell treatment significantly reduced the symptoms of paralysis such as speech impairment, arms and legs paralysis. Also, the patients who were chair bound were able to walk without a walking frame after second treatment.

In addition, some patients’ language skills were improved by more than 90%. In the case of facial nerve paralysis, after 3 months’ treatment, some patients could recover their impairment by 80%. Some patients who had difficulty closing their eyes and speaking due to mouth droop could close their eyelids to 80% of their normal conditions and the other patients have softened and eased movement of their lips after the treatment. Also, some patient’s wrinkles around their mouth were flattened and some patients with dry mouth could facilitate their movement of their faces. All of these improvements in symptoms were achieved with no side effects.

Chairman KYE HO LEE at STC Life ( said “We gave been successfully carrying out stem cell therapy for the various diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, autoimmune disorders, anemia, brain disorders, etc. Stem cells collected from STC Life Research Institute are known as adult stem cells that present in the body tissues and organs, thus maintaining the function of normal cells and the regeneration of damaged tissues in the human organs and enabling a variety of growth and differentiation in the human organs.”