Archive for August, 2013

Adult Stem Cells To The Rescue

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — Fifty million Americans suffer from arthritis. That number is expected to grow to 67 million in the next 15 years. The pain is becoming so excruciating that record numbers are opting for hip, shoulder, and knee replacements. However, now you don’t have to go under the knife to find relief.

Watch this video to find out more.

Former State Representative John Lunsford gave speeches, shook hands, and pounded the pavement for eleven years in Georgia. It all took a toll on his body.

“I was taking about 16 ibuprofen a day and sometimes I’d take two naproxen in the morning and two at night,” John Lunsford said.

Lunsford was suffering from osteoarthritis. Doctors said his only solution was surgery.

“The first one told me I would need a total hip replacement. So, I went to get a second opinion, and he told me I needed a total hip replacement,” John said.

Then, he found the next evolution in regenerative medicine, using stem cells to target inflammatory and pain pathways.

“They change the pain pathway so it’s no longer as painful. They change the inflammatory pathways in that you don’t have as much inflammation being produced and in turn not as much pain,” R. Amadeus Mason, MD, Assistant Professor of Orthopedics at Emory Sports Medicine Center said.

Emory Orthopedic Specialists take the stem cells from a patient’s own bone marrow, process them, and inject them back into the patients’ joint, causing the pain to go away.

“We have also seen regeneration of cartilage,” Dr. Mason said.

Patients are able to walk or drive immediately after the procedure and should experience significant overall improvement within six weeks.

“The implant was a little intense for a few seconds, nothing you couldn’t deal with. It was a whole lot less painful than a root canal,” Lunsford said.

Out of 50 patients, only one needed surgery.

If you would like more information, please contact:

Lori Vasquez Clinical Assistant Emory Sports Medicine Center
(404) 778-0209
[email protected]
(Copyright ©2013 KFSN-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) 

New Blood Stem Cell Could Help Solve Platelet Shortage

Thursday, August 15th, 2013


A new type of bone marrow stem cell in mice that is primed to produce large numbers of vital blood-clotting platelets has been discovered.

Lack of platelets is a common side effect in cancer patients.

The breakthrough could lead to the development of new treatments to restore platelets in patients who have undergone chemotherapy or a bone marrow transplant.

A team funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), and led by scientists at Oxford University’s MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, has reported the discovery in the journal Nature.

Blood cells are made by a small pool of stem cells in the bone marrow, which replenish the blood at a rate of millions of cells per second. These cells can copy themselves (self-renew) and give rise to all the different cell types that make up the blood system, including white and red blood cells, and platelets.

Platelets help the blood to clot by clumping together at the site of bleeding. Having too few platelets can result in excessive bleeding and is a common side effect in cancer patients, whose natural reservoir of platelets has been destroyed by the disease or by treatment. This can be life-threatening in the weeks immediately following chemotherapy or a bone marrow transplant as it takes time for blood stem cells to replenish platelets to safe levels.

Many patients who undergo these treatments are given platelet transfusions to protect them from bleeding. But donated platelets can only be stored for a few days and demand often outstrips supply. Researchers have therefore been looking for a way to rapidly and durably increase the production of platelets to reduce the risk of bleeding.

‘We used to think that there was just one type of blood stem cell that could self-renew and give rise to all the different cell types in the blood. But here we’ve identified a new type of stem cell that is very driven, at a molecular and functional level, towards making platelets,’ said Professor Sten Eirik Jacobsen of Oxford University’s MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine who led the research with Claus Nerlov.

‘Now that we know these cells exist, we can start thinking about devising new strategies to enhance platelet output – either by generating and transplanting more of this type of cell into a recipient, or by somehow stimulating their own pool of stem cells to restore platelet levels more quickly. But first we need to see whether we can find the same cells in human tissue and understand more about how they are regulated.’

The researchers found that different subtypes of blood stem cell are organized into a hierarchy, with platelet-primed cells at the top. These platelet-primed cells are able to also replenish other stem cell types that mostly generate the vital blood cells of the immune system. Transplanting just one platelet-primed stem cell into mice that lacked their own bone marrow was enough to stably restore more than 10% of their platelets. Future studies by the group will focus on whether this can be achieved quickly enough to benefit patients in a clinical transplantation setting.

The research was partially carried out at the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and the EMBL Mouse Biology Programme, Italy.
