Archive for February, 2012

Suzanne Somers: How Doctors Used Stem Cell Technology to Rebuild My Breast

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

At 63 years of age, Suzanne Somers is a true inspiration.  In an article from News Max Health (written by Kathleen Walter and Nick Tate), Suzanne shares her latest breakthrough.

Suzanne Somers agonized over the decision to use a  cutting-edge stem cell technology to reconstruct the breast she lost to cancer.  When she began researching the procedure, it wasn’t being offered in the United  States. Women who wanted to have it performed had to travel to Asia, Germany, or  the Dominican Republic.

In an exclusive video interview with Newsmax Health (shown below), Suzanne  details how she was able to work with doctors at Hollywood  Presbyterian Hospital and federal officials to gain approval to become the first  woman in America to undergo the pioneering technique.

It’s the most incredible advancement in breast cancer treatment that I am aware of,” she says.

The procedure itself is enormously complex, but Suzanne  explains the key elements of the technique.

“Here’s my layman’s interpretation,” she says. “They  took fat from my stomach – boo hoo! – they took that fat and in a highly  technical piece of machinery….whipped the stem cells out.”

By separating out the stem cells, doctors could “clean” them and identify the strongest cells, and discard the weakest ones, she says.

“So it was like the fat was just rich with those  [strongest] stem cells,” Suzanne explains. “And then, again in layman’s terms,  they took something that looked to me like a turkey baster and in the bottom of  this breast they kept injecting, injecting, injecting this fat-and-stem-cell  solution until it blew up to be the same size as the other one.”

Today, she says her new breast is very much like the one  she had before her cancer.

“It’s beautiful, it’s soft, it has full feeling. It’s  all me,” she notes. “And there’s no foreign object, and there’s no scar.”

Somers says she felt it was important for her to undergo  the procedure not just for herself, but to help other women with breast cancer in this  country.

“I am the first woman to legally regrow a breast in the  United States,” she says. “It took me three years to get permission … with  Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital, to qualify me for a clinical trial with the  [Food and Drug Administration].”

She wanted to go through the complex experimental  process here – securing approval from a hospital institutional review board  (IRB) and the FDA – so that other women in this country can benefit from her  experience.

“It was important for me to have it done in the United  States because … we’re almost like a Third World country here, relative to stem  cells,” Suzanne says. “Science is supposed to progress. And the fact that  they’ve put up these road blocks with stem cell protocols is pushing back  science. It feels wrong. Most people have to spend their life savings going  offshore to have this done in a country that’s not theirs with doctors they  don’t know.”

She adds: “I wanted it to be an American achievement by  an American doctor  on an American woman so hopefully my clinical trial will open up the possibility  for women in this country to utilize stem cell protocols. And hopefully this  will be the first option in the future. It’s more humane.”

She acknowledges that the procedure is not simple or  easy, and may not be for everyone.

“Liposuction is not for sissies,” she cautions. “When  they removed fat from my stomach — I’m really happy to have given them that fat — but that hurt like crazy.”

Although she extensively researched the procedure before  having it done, she also acknowledges feeling anxious about it, since she was  the first to undergo the procedure.

“I was a human guinea pig because I was the virgin  operation with Dr. Joel Aronowitz,” she says.

But she says the results were worth all the effort,  pain, and anxiety.

“I cannot tell you what a thrill it is to look down and  see myself whole again,” she says.

“I’ve had a hard time keeping my clothes on it looks so  nice!”

She envisions a day when doctors can remove the cancer  from a woman’s breast and immediately take fat “from whatever part of the body  she wants to get rid of it” and regrow her breast using stem cells. She also  believes the procedure might one day be used to replace other body parts — including limbs and heart valves.

“The future is so clearly in nanotechnology and stem  cells, and I actually feel very proud that I might have opened this door a crack  to stem cell protocols,” she says.

“In the future when we’re able to utilize them, you’ll  be able regrow heart valves and, down the road, limbs. Imagine what this might  mean for enlisted people?”

But for now, she says the message is clear: This  stem-cell procedure can work for women with breast cancer, and she feels she’s in the best position to  raise awareness about it.

“Women listen to me,” she says. “I’ve sold 25 million  books around the world, and they look to me as the alternative layperson face. I  wanted to do this not only for me, but I wanted to do this for them. And, in  fact, I saw in the footage when I came out of the ether, the first thing I said — in my drug haze — is this is a great advance for women.”

To see more on Suzanne’s breast reconstruction procedure, go to her website at:

Coming next week to Newsmax Health: How other women can benefit from stem cell  procedures.

Editor’s Note: Suzanne Somers Interviews the Doctors Quietly Curing  Cancer.

© 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Adult Stem Cell Success for Multiple Sclerosis

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

Click the video below to hear Barry speak about his incredible journey and his turn around since receiving adult stem cell treatment.

When Barry Goudy found out he had multiple sclerosis he feared the worst. Doctors told him he might lose his eye sight and the ability to walk.  As a very active husband, father and hockey coach, Barry couldn’t think of anything worse than losing his ability to get around.  But then he learned of a new way to treat MS with a stem cell transplant. The transplant worked and today he’s living proof of the miracles that can come from Adult Stem Cell Research.