Most Powerful Stem Cell Supplement Available. Guaranteed To Give You More Energy, A Stronger, Healthier Body And Immune System In 30 Days.
New science and advanced supplementation now provides the opportunity for everyone to take advantage of slowing down the aging process and eliminating pain without the need for surgery and time out. The Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray is designed to release more of your own healthy adult stem cells quickly into your bloodstream and strengthen your immune system. You'll be able to participate in the activities you love to do without having to take frequent time outs due to tiredness, anxiety, pain or injury. We provide a money back guarantee, no questions asked. All product claims are backed by independent clinical studies and research on humans.
Benefits include:
 | Supports the natural increase of your own adult stem cells, providing the platform for many cumulative health benefits* |
 | Increases energy and endurance* |
 | Super charges your immune system* |
 | Improves alertness and mental clarity* |
 | Recover faster after your exercise regime* |
 | Provides repair and recovery after surgery, injury or illness* |
 | The best natural source of growth and immune factors* |
 | Helps build muscle, burn fat and maintain natural weight loss in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime* |
Enjoying a body that isn't affected by the aging process is something that people of all generations and cultures have sought after for years. Remarkable medical and scientific discoveries have now been made, especially in the last 5 years, thanks to adult stem cell science and the absorption rate that an intraoral spray delivery provides (a liquid application sprayed under the tongue). We are living in extraordinary and exciting times when it comes your health care. Adult stem cells are your own master cells that exist in your body from the day you are born. They have absolutely nothing to do with embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells are your repair and renewal kit for life. It is fact - the more adult stem cells we have circulating in our body, the healthier and stronger we are to fight off disease and the aging process.
My Dad was in his early 70s and became extremely sick. He lost over 13 kilograms (28lbs) in weight in just three months. He couldn't eat, his energy levels were at an all time low, his bright blue eyes became very red and his skin became very patchy.
He is a semi-retired farmer, extremely independent and stubborn. My Mom was very worried and she continued to book him to see their family doctor. Many blood tests followed along with scans and x-rays on his bones, liver, heart and kidneys. Nothing conclusive could be found.
Dad continued to get weaker and lost even more weight. He was admitted to the hospital on three different occasions and finally got referred to a specialist who told him he may have bone cancer. This was devastating for him and all the family.
After Months of Watching My Dad Experience Such Pain And The Worry It Caused Us All, Especially My Mom,
I Knew That I Absolutely Had To Do Something About It!!!
As I have worked in the health sector for over 15 years I started to dig deep into medical and nutritional research that I had access too and I also attended a number of health conferences where many people had experienced some very serious health challenges. With my health background and from the discoveries and research I came across I suggested a number of things for Dad to try (which he wholeheartedly did) but nothing seemed to fix or ease his problems.
His family doctor kept changing his medication because he didn't know what was wrong, which started to cause serious side effects.
At last I had a breakthrough from attending a global conference on regenerative medicine. Everyone was talking about the benefits of adult stem cell therapies and a small number of natural ingredients, including colostrum that were providing remarkable results. I also realized that Dad wasn't absorbing all of his nutrients from both food and supplements, due to his age, his illness and because his gastrointestinal tract wasn't working at optimal levels. I managed to source a high grade colostrum supplement straight away for Dad. The results in just four weeks were remarkable. Mom called to say she couldn't believe the difference in Dad in such a short time.
He was finally sleeping through the night (for the first time in 8 months), had enough energy to mow the lawn, play bowls and even do some small jobs back out at the farm. His pins and needles went completely. He was even doing activities he hadn't participated in for over three years. A few weeks later he went back to his specialist who was amazed at his recovery. The specialist admitted it could only be put down to this new supplement he had been taking.
This supplement was extremely effective in strengthening his immune system and acted as a repair kit to his entire body in a matter of weeks. This natural supplement could also be taken with most medications and as it was a liquid supplement it was getting into his bloodstream quickly and therefore working straight away. Dad was finally diagnosed with Sarcoidosis which is a disease where the immune cells cluster together and cause major inflammation and pain throughout the entire body. Today, six years later, Dad is in fantastic health. When I phone him and Mom, Dad is never at home. He is always playing bowls or out at the farm doing jobs.
Seeing Dad's remarkable recovery was a catalyst to get to work on developing a superior health supplement that could be taken intraorally and activate one's own adult stem cells.
An Intraoral Spray
Provides Up To 95% Absorption Compared To Pills and Capsules That Only Provide 10% to 20% Absorption at Best
The Stem Cell Worx business partners contacted a team of Scientists, Bio-chemists, Longevity Experts and Researchers in the United States to formulate a breakthrough supplement that aligns with today's new science.
The result was a groundbreaking natural health supplement that stimulates your own adult stem cells called:
The Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray
The patent protected intraoral spray supplement contains 3 profound natural, pure ingredients that are: Bovine Colostrum (with over 30% of the antibody IgG and over 54% protein); Trans Resveratrol (a 98%-99% purity) and Fucoidan (a 95% purity). These ingredients act as a super booster to activate your own natural adult stem cells. This formulation provides cellular regeneration and robust immunity like no other. The specialized manufacturing process retains the purity of ingredients and this supplement contains no fillers of any kind. Benefits include more energy, a healthy immune system, improved mental clarity and focus, increased endurance, faster recovery after exercising, increased repair and recovery after illness and surgery, regular bowel movements, builds more muscle, burns more fat and assists with natural weight loss in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regime.
You'll get 40 days of sprays (6 sprays in the morning, 6 sprays in the early evening). This formulation has been created based on years of clinical studies from top stem cell scientists and researchers in the world.
Here is what is being said about the Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray.
I am amazed by how much better I feel after taking the Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray. I started out taking a colostrum supplement that my daughter, Maree found for me. Now I just take the Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray every day. This product has without a doubt changed my health and my life. I'm now 76 years old. Four years ago I was very sick. I kept listening to my Doctor and for a year I was taking medication on top of medication to counteract the side effects. I now have so much more energy. I'm back playing bowls and it's the best I've felt in years. I'm doing all the things I love to do without having to worry about my pain and health issues anymore. I sleep through the night and my skin has really improved. I'm active again and making the most of each day.
Alec Day
Masterton, New Zealand
Thank you Stem Cell Worx
I have been ordering this item for my elderly aunt who has a new lease on life. Despite my skepticism she swears her condition has dramatically improved. I can't deny her dry eyes have improved and knots in her neck have vanished. Pain is eased and she is sleeping better.
thanks again
Brenda Douglass, Kippa-ring,
Queensland, Australia
Noticing Real Changes
I take Stem Cell Worx in the morning and before dinner. I do notice I have more energy. Neighbors were watching me trim some bushes and dragging limbs out to the curbside. My allergies seem to be a little better. One thing which is important to me is memory. I always have to take a list to the store. This time I forgot the list. I thought about it and begin shopping. Then when I got home I compared the things bought to the list. It was all there plus two things I was out of. Wow!! I find I'm sleeping better too. I have arthritis, broke my hip a few years ago stepping over my Golden Retriever and that hip always hurts, but now not as bad.
I got a new edger yesterday so I plan on using that today. I do my own cooking, housework, and love research on the computer. I'm a retired RN. Stem Cell Worx looked like something that would help and it did. Now for the interesting part, I'm 83 years old - so it's never too late.
Ohio, U.S.A
I'd like to thank Stem Cell Worx for giving me back my youth. I have recently gone back to shearing sheep after a 15 year break. Not only am I back up to my old tallies but I'm feeling fitter and stronger than when I was 35. I have been taking the Stem Cell Worx product now for 18mths and I have hardly any aches and pains after a hard day shearing.
The pins and needles that I used to get in my arms and hands no longer exist and I can bounce out of bed each morning unlike before. I can only put it down to this product and I would recommend it to anyone. It's all natural and very inexpensive to be on, less than the price of a coffee per day and unlike coffee gives me heaps more energy and strength. I recently shore in Ireland and run out a week before coming home and really noticed the difference without taking the product. It is absolutely fantastic and I wouldn't be without it.
Trevor Pearson
Adelaide, South Australia
Which Of These Powerful Health Benefits
Will Make Your Life More Enjoyable?
- Pain and Muscle Relief
- Increased Energy and Stamina
- Fabulous looking skin with a much more youthful and toned appearance
- Heightened mental clarity and concentration levels
- A strong immune system
- Repair and recovery after illness or injury
- Regular bowel movements
- Increased endurance, rapid recovery after your exercise regime
Okay, So What's The Cost For
This Unique Formulation That Is At the Forefront of Nutritional Supplementation!
This price, $65.00 USD is less than the cost of one coffee a day.
Why not invest money to restore your well being and vitality?
Our aim is to help as many people as possible to stay healthy and enjoy a full and active life.
It is just as important to preserve good health as it is to fight disease and illness. Start as early as possible.
I want to also share with you:
2 Bonuses
Worth $30.00 If You Take
Action Right NOW!
Adult Stem Cell E-book: A free e-book providing real facts, scientific evidence and testimonials on the health benefits from stimulating your own adult stem cells. This e-book provides insights as to how people with major diseases are benefiting from receiving adult stem cells to aid their repair and recovery.
Stem Cell Worx News: Receive Stem Cell Worx News. This exclusive, quarterly update provides the latest facts on cutting edge nutrition and health supplements that Healthcare professionals don't tell you about. Stem Cell Worx News is only shared with those who subscribe through this website.
Take advantage of these bonuses today.
But We Know You're Skeptical
About Seeing Benefits In 45 Days Or Less!
That's OK, and this is why
we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee
We personally guarantee that if you don't feel or see benefits within 45 days from purchasing the product, we will issue a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked whatsoever!
The Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray targets anti-oxidant optimization, adult stem cell activation and provides advanced immune response and cellular repair and renewal. Each bottle contains a 40 day supply.
Invest In Stem Cell Worx Intraoral Spray!
Here at Stem Cell Worx we look forward to working with you to ensure you achieve your health goals.
Order today and start living your best life now!!

Stem Cell Worx,
Nevada, U.S.A
Tel: +1 310-513-3002 (calling outside U.S.A) or 1800-665-9679 (calling within U.S.A)
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2018 Stem Cell Worx LLC. All Rights Reserved.